Mind Rats

Casey, a young 18 year old teen is walking the public streets. People are minding their own business. She has a problem with her mind. Something inside her doesn’t feel right. Everyone begin looking at her weird. She scratches her head to clear her mind full of negativity. All of sudden, lots of rats come out of the back of her head. These are huge rats. People scream running for their lives crying out for help. The rats bite strangers all over their body. Blood keeps squirting out them. Casey shouts out of agony and rage. Everyone is dead except Casey and all the rats. Nothing happened to her and not even a scratch on her body. She is completely healthy but there’s a mess of dead people on the streets. She is shocked and the rats become her friends. She isn’t happy.

Demons Invasion

The demons invade earth and make humans and animals as slaves. They are living the high life. The beach is full of fire. A sports game is when a demon kills a human he or she wins the championship. A few demons win and they are Champions of the Kill Humans Association (KHA). The demons are taking over the planet. A demon is now president of the United States of Demonic. Hell is now King.